Class 1: – Wow! What a fantastic first week back at school!

Class 1: Just wow!  We had such an amazing first week back at school, the children all settled in beautifully and really enjoyed exploring the changes to their classroom.

We flew into space in rockets and landed on the moon; we camped out in tents and made campfires (just pretend of course!) and we built towers that reached all the way up to the clouds!

We rediscovered the water and solved the problem of how to fill up our water containers from a shallow tray.

We used chalk outside to draw pictures and practice writing our names.

We discovered that some of us were in fact very good at walking on the mini-stilts.

We braved the dinosaurs in the classroom…

We had fun in the sandpit.

We cooked amazing meals in our home corner; Mrs Hancock was very well fed!  We also learnt some super tidying up skills.

We shared stories, sang songs, made new friends and played with old friends.

We drew some amazing pictures and showed off our amazing pencil grip.

This is just a tiny snippet of the fun and learning we’ve had in our first three days.  Our team of staff have finished every single day smiling at the fun we’ve had and the learning we’ve seen; the three year old following the words in a book as she read a story to her friend (ok, maybe she was making up her own story, but she was following the words in the right direction and knew exactly what they were for; the joy and pride on the four year old’s face as he saw how impressed we were that he had learnt to write his name over the summer.

This is why we’re here, this is what it’s all about, the children, their learning and the joy it brings us, so wow, just wow, what an amazing week.  I think it’s safe to say that our whole team is very, very excited about the possibilities that this year is going to bring to us and your children and their learning.  Inspired!  Welcome back!



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