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What-a-day! We’ve been on a journey to the far reaches of space, isolated our DNA and captured it in necklaces, made balloon powered cars and even made miniature models of the watercycle! Children and staff, alike, were truely inspired by science.

Huge thanks to Petroc, Simon Ould, Robyn, our student teacher from Exeter, as well as the PTA for making it all happen.

Class 3 Tudor Day

The children in Class 3 had a fantastic day. They were entertained all morning, by local story teller and poet, Clive Pig. The children sat, enthralled, as he shared amazing facts and gruesome tales.  In the afternoon, the children took part in a Tudor banquet, sampling pheasant stew, mead and bread and honey- all thanks to the wonderful Tina Ley! A great time was had by all.